Temporary trade-liberalisation measures applicable to products from the Republic of Moldova

Fecha publicación: 24 June, 2024
Categorías: Logistics&Customs
Autor: Carlos Arola - CEO

Regulation (EU) 2024/1501 was published in the OJEU on 29 May establishing the following temporary trade-liberalisation measures for products from the Republic of Moldova:

  1. Suspension of the entry price system. No customs duties will be applied to imports of products affected by this system.
  2. Suspension of all tariff-rate quotas No customs duties will be applied to imports of products subject to these quotas.

To benefit from these measures, the EUR 1 movement certificate or the origin declaration issued by an approved Moldovan exporter must be provided at the time of release for free circulation in the EU.

It also provides safeguarding measures where the import of any of the above products would adversely affect the Union market or the market of one or more Member States for similar or directly competing products, including the reintroduction of the quotas on the product or products in question.

The Regulation will come into force on 25 July 2024 and be effective until 24 July 2025.

Our customs department remains available for any additional information that you may require.

Carlos Arola - CEO

Group Arola


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