Notice anti-dumping proceeding imports of lysine originating in China

Fecha publicación: 19 June, 2024
Categorías: Logistics&Customs
Etiquetas: anti-dumping | Import | Lysine
Autor: Carlos Arola - CEO

The Notice of Initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of lysine originating in the People’s Republic of China (C/2024/3265) was published today in the OJEU. The product subject to this investigation is lysine and its esters, salts thereof, and feed additives, consisting of dry weight basis of 68% or more, but not more than 80% of L-lysine sulphate, and not more than 32% of other components such as carbohydrates and other amino acids, currently classified under CN codes ex 2309 90 31, ex 2309 90 96 and 2922 41 00 (TARIC codes: 2309903141, 2309903149, 2309909641, 2309909649).

The investigation will determine whether the lysine originating in China is being dumped and whether the dumped imports have caused injury to the Union industry. If the conclusions are affirmative, the European Commission may impose measures on this import of this product.

Interested parties, such as importers or exporting producers, can take part in the investigation. To do so, they must demonstrate that there is an objective link between their activities and the product under investigation. Any observation on this procedure must be submitted within 37 days of the date of publication of this Notice. The request for a hearing with regard to the initiation of the investigation must be submitted within 15 days of the date of publication of this Notice. It also considers the possibility of commenting on the information submitted by other interested parties, or extending the time limits should the request be duly justified.

The investigation will be concluded within one year, but not more than 14 months of the date of the publication of this Notice, allowing for provisional measures to be imposed no sooner than seven months from the publication of this Notice.

Our customs department is available for any additional information.

Carlos Arola - CEO

Group Arola

Etiquetas: anti-dumping | Import | Lysine


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