Auto parts manufacturers are trying to find an agreement in advance of TTIP in order to harmonize all the regulation concerning the automobile industry at a more global level, saying that this will facilitate the negotiations on this enormous trade agreement.
US and EU Automobile Industry representatives are objecting to some of the results of the study that they petitioned from two independent research institutes hoping to demonstrate that auto safety regulations for crashworthiness and crash avoidance are equivalent. But the results suggest that the study do not support the claims of functional equivalence by industry representatives as fully or as clearly as they might have hoped.
It is not strange then that automobile parts manufacturers are taking a different track on regulatory cooperation from the automobile industry in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership by seeking to advance regulatory harmonization at a more global level through different conferences, presentations and forums such as the United Nations “Working Party 29” –forum where countries from all over the world discuss and adopt Global Technical Regulations.
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