AEO Implementation Project


We provide support in updating these procedures be it in order to adapt them to regulatory changes, organizational changes, business model changes, or any other change.

In this type of projects Arola can provide a:

– Comprehensive service from start to finish.
– Support in certain stages.


1. AEO Diagnostic Audit.

2. Planning of the authorization project:

Definition of the actions to be carried out, responsible deadlines.
AEO projects are transversal across the company, as not only does the customs and/or logistics team participate, but there are requirements in areas that correspond to other management areas as well, including, for example, financial solvency, information security, quality assurance and HR. Thus, in order to join and coordinate efforts, solid project planning is even more important.

3. Preparation of documentation and implementation:

  • Support in the preparation of procedures and implementation in the company. For example, training and information.
  • Compilation of documents for the AEO authorization request.
    • For example, documentation that corroborates compliance history (Criminal record certificates, deeds, plans, etc.)
  • Completion of the AEO Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ).
    • The SAQ is a key document for the AEO authorization request to the extent that, as indicated in the AEO Guidelines (TA-XUD/B2/047/2011 – Rev. 6.), it is to “simplify and speed up the process of the AEO request.”

For this, working days with the company are essential, either in-person or remotely (videoconferences).

4. Internal audit of the AEO system.

5. Support in submitting the AEO authorization request through the AEAT Electronic Headquarters.

6. Completion of the OAS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (CAE). Evaluation by the AEO Unit of the National Office for Customs and Excise Duties Management. (Customs and Excise Duties Department)

7. Support in the resolution of possible detections made in the Evaluation stage.

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Our Services

Diagnostic Audit


To carry out the audit, Arola’s audit team uses the following methods: examination of documentation, interviews with managers, and observation of activities.

AEO Implementation Project


We provide support in updating these procedures be it in order to adapt them to regulatory changes, organizational changes, business model changes, or any other change.



AEO Training


Arola designs AEO in-company training and/or awareness programs (face-to-face or remote).

Maintenance of AEO Authorization


Our AEO authorization maintenance service allows you to schedule, plan and carry out internal audits which enable you to ensure compliance with the requirements and optimize resources.

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