Maintenance of AEO Authorization
Our AEO authorization maintenance service allows you to schedule, plan and carry out internal audits which enable you to ensure compliance with the requirements and optimize resources.
Annual internal audit.
As is the case for any other AEO management system or risk management system, it is advisable to periodically carry out audits that objectively and independently examine the degree of compliance with AEO conditions. Arola allows you to schedule, plan and carry out internal audits which enable you to ensure compliance with the requirements and optimize resources.
Additionally, we help you to create corrective actions and/or follow-up on them until they are complete.
Procedure updates.
As stated in the document “AEO Guidelines” TAXUD/B2/047/2011 – Rev. 6. During audit visits to your premises, you must demonstrate to the customs authority that you have established the appropriate internal procedures to manage the aforementioned aspects in relation to customs and safety and/or security and that you apply the necessary internal controls for these procedures to work properly. Your instructions and/or internal strategies must be electronically documented or available on paper.
Arola supports you in updating these procedures, either in order to adapt them to regulatory changes, organizational changes, business model changes or any other change.
Support in the obligation to notify the Administration of changes and irregularities.
According to Article 23.2 of the Union Customs Code (UCC), companies holding an AEO authorization must “inform the customs authorities without delay of any factor arising after the decision was taken, which may influence its continuation or content,” and not only irregularities but also changes are considered a factor.
For example, a change might be the sole administrator of the legal entity or a new facility (headquarters) that participates in the international logistics chain.
Arola supports you in:
- Identifying the factors that must be communicated.
- Preparation of documents necessary for the communication (request, self-assessment questionnaire).
- Consulting on other additional documents that must be submitted depending on the factor communicated. For example, criminal record certificates, plans, etc.
With the aim of ensuring compliance with the way and by the deadline established by the Spanish Customs Administration.
Our Services
Diagnostic Audit
To carry out the audit, Arola’s audit team uses the following methods: examination of documentation, interviews with managers, and observation of activities.
AEO Implementation Project
We provide support in updating these procedures be it in order to adapt them to regulatory changes, organizational changes, business model changes, or any other change.
AEO Training
Arola designs AEO in-company training and/or awareness programs (face-to-face or remote).
Maintenance of AEO Authorization
Our AEO authorization maintenance service allows you to schedule, plan and carry out internal audits which enable you to ensure compliance with the requirements and optimize resources.