Diagnostic Audit


To carry out the audit, Arola’s audit team uses the following methods: examination of documentation, interviews with managers, and observation of activities.


The objectives of a diagnostic audit in relation to the AEO can be diverse. Among them, for example, are

  • To find out the degree of compliance with the conditions (requirements) established for the AEO authorization, either with the purpose of immediately undertaking a project to obtain AEO authorization, or to assess the resources and time needed for future AEO implementation based on the results.
  • To detect deviations and opportunities for improvement in relation to customs regulations, that is, as a tool for managing customs risks.

Audit methodology

To carry out the audit, Arola’s audit team uses the following methods:

  • Examination of documentation (documented procedures, customs declarations, training records, etc.)
  • Interviews with managers.
    Observation of activities and facilities.
    For example, activities related to the reception of merchandise from a third country or, for example, in the case of an AEOS authorization, verify the effectiveness of the security measures implemented in facilities with customs activity.


  • Audit report with the result of the diagnosis (non-compliance, opportunities for improvement) and conclusions.
  • Corrective actions and/or action plan
Arola Grafismo puntos blancos

Our Services

Diagnostic Audit


To carry out the audit, Arola’s audit team uses the following methods: examination of documentation, interviews with managers, and observation of activities.

AEO Implementation Project


We provide support in updating these procedures be it in order to adapt them to regulatory changes, organizational changes, business model changes, or any other change.



AEO Training


Arola designs AEO in-company training and/or awareness programs (face-to-face or remote).

Maintenance of AEO Authorization


Our AEO authorization maintenance service allows you to schedule, plan and carry out internal audits which enable you to ensure compliance with the requirements and optimize resources.

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