The real policy about Corporate Social Responsibility represents an intermediate stage in order to a company become a firm ethical enterprise or 3.0.
The purpose of CSR is that” good things” don’t stay isolated, they are carried out and discussed at the highest level of government companies enabling that positive values cover all forms of ways of doing things and making decisions.
But what is a 3.0 Company?
Also called firm ethical enterprise o transparent company.
3.0 Company looks for sustainability not only from an environmental point of view but also from social and economic ones. It works for a success understands from a triple impact or with a model of “triple bottom line” or “3 P’s”.
This implies that the company works for success understood as being sustainable from an environmental perspective (Planet), sustainable from the interaction with society (People), and obviously be sustainable from the economic dimension (Profit).
- The environmental success is measure as a company aware of the limitations of the Planet.
- The social success as a company providing services which should be useful and responsible for/with society, in a close and global environment. The company focuses their human relations as much in external customers: customers, suppliers and internal customers such as partners and employees. Recognizing people as the real actors in any organization.
- Lastly but no least important, economic success which is seeking maximum profit in a medium and long term, contributing to the real economy and ensuring continuity in the development of its activity.
In a 3.0 Company there is a mutual long term agreement between labor and business, in a way that workers feel responsible for proper functioning and success of the company in order to generate a sense of belonging to a community and a free interdependence between workers and company.
In Arola, be a 3.0 SME (small and medium sized enterprise) and create a CSR department are not an unachievable goal. Since its establishment, Arola maintains a business development guided by values such as honesty, mutual trust, transparency, quality, proximity, professionalism and respect for their customers, employees, society and the group of companies and institutions with which collaborates.
From the same perspective, labor and professional relations of the company are based on equal opportunities (Equality Plan), continuous training and respect for people, go beyond the compliance with tax laws, labor, environment (calculate CO2 emissions) and risk prevention.
There are several actions based on ethics, transparency, professionalism and sustainability which show how AROLA continue to progress in introduce good practices in CSR in a process of constant improvement and a direction towards business excellence, to turn into 3.0 Company.